A collection of 7 different domino maths games from the www.mathsframe.co.uk website. Designed by a primary school teacher to help children to develop a number of key mathematical skills. The games are:
Multiplication Dominoes: Choose which multiplication table to practise and then see how quickly you can arrange the dominoes.
Roman Numeral Dominoes: Match the Roman Numerals with the correct numbers.
Match Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Fraction Dominoes: Match the pictures with the correct fraction.
Time Dominoes: Match the clock face with the correct digital time.
Addition and Subtraction: Add and subtract mentally and then match the correct answer. Lots of choice over level.
Convert Measurements: millimetres and centimetres, centimetres and metres, metres and kilometres, minutes and hours, minutes and seconds, grams and kilograms and millilitres and litres.